Supplements ✹ Diet ✹ Fitness ✹ Weight Loss
Is it possible to lose weight without putting in the effort? Or is this just a myth? Surprisingly, science says that at least some weight loss doesn't require much effort. Keep reading to find out more.
What determines our food choices? Do we have any control over our cravings and appetites? Can we make ourselves desire healthy food and control our more decadent cravings? The psychology of food choice is more complicated than people imagine. Here are the top scientifically proven ways you can use to control your appetite.
How common is it for couples to be on the same page when it comes to health? Is the stereotype of the meat-eating husband sitting next to a salad-eating wife actually most common? Do healthy couples stay together longer? We tackle these questions and more below.
Which foods keep you full the longest? Are carbohydrates, fats, or proteins most filling? Is dried fruit more filling than fresh fruit? Are soups more filling than plate dinners? We tackle these questions and more below.
Reasoned Health is committed to helping you live your best, healthiest life.
Do you find yourself wishing you had the vitality and slimness of your youth? Do you find it difficult to keep up with the day-to-day chaos and make time for sleep, food prep, and exercise? You're not alone. Worldwide, obesity has tripled since the 1970s. Preventable diseases, like diabetes and hypertension, are at an all time high. Staying healthy in the modern world is certainly difficult, but not impossible.